We are a small local charity with a large asset and high maintenance costs. The trust manages the finances of the park to ensure essential maintenance work can take place and the park remains safe and secure for park users. We also fund a programme of community events and activities, including nature workshops, volunteering, mental health support groups, summer fete, and supporting other community groups to use the park to deliver activities.
Our main source of income is from annual subscriptions which are increased by gift aid. The other significant source of income arises from the two nationally acclaimed music festivals that are held in the summer each year. In 2020, we lost this income due to festivals being unable to take place.
With continued large maintenance projects urgently needed to keep the park safe and accessible, we are working to diversify our income and strengthen our charity’s finacnes.
Our Annual Accounts and Report is submitted each year to the Charity Commission and can be viewed on their website.