
If you require this information in another format, or have any questions about Access, please email

A cartoon style illustration of a wooded park with curving pathway, and two foxes sitting in the woodland: with the words "Inclusion in Natural Spaces: A Symposium"


Moseley Park and Pool is a centuries-old historical site which was not created with access and inclusion in mind. Unfortunately, it presents a variety of barriers to our disabled visitors – but lots of disabled people do visit regularly and enjoy the space, including those using wheelchairs and mobility scooters. We’re now working to improve Access so everybody can enjoy the space safely and comfortably, and we want to listen to your perspectives as we do so.

We’ve recently widened and resurfaced the central footpath which goes from our main Alcester Rd entrance almost all the way to the Pool. We’re also planning to add an accessible community activities area with a sensory garden, an accessible toilet and more pathway improvements in the next year. We’re also looking at implementing smaller-scale access measures, and working on improving how we communicate about access with the local disabled community. On Saturday 7th September 2024 we’ll be hosting a symposium for our team and the wider community exploring inclusion for disabled people in natural spaces: full details will be announced soon here and on our events page. If you’d like to get involved, email


Here is our new map, which includes Access information:

A graphical map of the Park, showing the key features and the different routes within and around the park, along with their accessibility. If you require this information in a different format, please email


Below is a summary of disabled access to The Park and Pool. If you’re a disabled visitor and would like to raise an issue which should be covered on this page, please email us at



Our friends at Moseley Hive (next door to the main Alcester Road gate) are able to give visitors access to their accessible toilet every Wednesday between 11am and 2pm when they are regularly staffed, and we’re exploring the options for expanding this offer. We don’t have an accessible toilet in the Park yet but we plan to install one this year.

Currently, the only toilet in the park is just inside the Main Gate in the small brick building on your right as you enter. This is a single narrow cubicle with a small corner sink and a non-accessible toilet. It’s located up a short uneven slope, so may also present access barriers to visitors who don’t usually require an accessible toilet. There is a simple baby change area round the other side of this building. We apologise for any inconvenience: we’re working to make improvements and will keep this page updated as we do so.


The Main Gate (Alcester Rd) and The Salisbury Rd gate both present some barriers. The Main Gate is a large, heavy iron gate, so this in itself can be an additional barrier for some visitors: this gate is always left open on Wednesdays 10-4 and the last Saturday of the month 10-4, and for specific events. The Salisbury Rd gate is also accessible to many visitors, but presents barriers to some, including a short steep incline about 40cm long just inside the gate: more details coming soon on this.

Unfortunately The Chantry Rd Gate is accessed by a steep, long set of uneven steps so is inaccessible to many disabled people. The ground at this end of the Park also gets extremely boggy, so may present additional challenges to anyone who has a mobility or visual impairment, and may create sensory issues for some neurodivergent visitors.

All the entrances also use an electronic Key Fob system on entry and exit, which can be challenging for disabled visitors because you have to press your fob against something a few feet from the gate and then have just 15 seconds to open the gate. Some visitors using a wheelchair or scooter prefer to bring a companion to help with the gate.

Paths and Meadows

The Main Path from the Alcester Rd Gate to the Pool is a wide, sloping path with a flat surface which is fully accessible to wheelchair users

The other paths around the Park vary a lot. There are two narrower paths to the Pool from the Main Gate, heading down the left and right hand edges of the Park respectively along the backs of the gardens of Salisbury Rd (left) and Chantry Rd (right). The Salisbury Path is highly inaccessible in parts due to a very uneven surface. The Chantry Path is more accessible but still features slopes, uneven sections, tree roots and areas which can become muddy, so may also be inaccessible to some visitors.

The Main Meadow is sloping and grassy: the top half, which contains The Ice House, has fairly even ground despite its slopes: however, as you get closer to the Pool where the land flattens towards the bottom of the meadow, the ground has been badly damaged and there are bumpy, muddy areas which can be challenging. The slope is fairly steep to access the Ice House entrance path, which is flat with smooth paving stones, but relatively narrow – people using wheelchairs or mobility scooters will need to turn round in The Ice House itself, which is also flat, or reverse out. The Ice House has flat even floors, and consists of a round chamber where most mobility scooters can turn round, with a single short path to the viewing platform – which you’ll need reverse down after viewing.

On the other side of the Main Path, The Swing Meadow is a gentler slope and the ground is generally fairly even, although grassy. This can also be accessed via the Chantry Path.

The circular Poolside Promenade route around the Pool begins on the right hand side with a flight of steps or a very steep slope, which is inacccessible to many people using mobility aids. The path then leads you past the Angling Club hut and up another flight of steps to reach the third Sloping Meadow. However, the narrower Chantry Path can be used to reach the Sloping Meadow from the Swing Meadow (see description above). On the left hand side, the circular Poolside Promenade route is more accessible, with no steps to access the Poolside: however, this path, like the others, is uneven and muddy in places, with tree roots and divots. In addition, some wheelchair users may not find a suitable turning point as soon as they’d like: the first wide one is at the far end of the Pool.

The area between the far end of the Sloping Meadow to this turning circle, and from both places to the Chantry Rd Gate, is the most inaccessible area of the Park. We do not advise visitors using wheelchairs or scooters attempt to access these areas, and we recommend disabled visitors who have significant mobility or visual impairments don’t visit them alone.

Visually Impaired Visitors

The uneven nature of the ground across the Park can present significant barriers to visually impaired visitors. The entrances also use a Key Fob system which can be challenging because the locations of the electronic key system may be unclear. We aim to provide a more detailed description here soon. We are also adding some Sensory Activities designed to support our visually impaired and neurodivergent visitors. We aim to include Audio Description for as many events as possible, but we’re still in the process of developing our new programme of events and activities, so currently have very limited funding for our small-scale events.

D/deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Visitors

We are currently working towards increasing our Events programme, and as we do so we will be working to improve our Access offer for events to include BSL as much as possible: we will also be looking into the costs of portable caption technologies and hearing loop technologies. For everyday Park visitors, we envisage fewer barriers: however, unfortunately our site staff team doesn’t currently include any BSL users and we hope to improve this soon.

Neurodivergent Visitors

The Park and Pool is a quiet, gentle and calming natural green space which many ND folk will find highly accessible. However, at times there can temporarily be loud noise in the Park, including in the week or so before and after large-scale festival events. Some ND visitors may find there are other sensory challenges, such as very muddy areas in wet weather. We don’t currently have a quiet breakout space, but we’re creating a sensory trail and sensory garden area later this year. We want the whole Park to be relaxed: stims and tics are very welcome everywhere. We will be providing a Visual Story below as soon as possible.

Play Equipment

The Swing Meadow contains a traditional swing, which is not accessible to many disabled people or very young children. However, we will be adding a wheelchair-accessible play train in The Phoenix Garden later this year and are seeking funding for additional wheelchair accessible play equipment.

If you need this information in another format, or have any questions about Access, please email