Angling Club

Opening times:

See website for openings


selective focus photography of boat tip

The Pool in Moseley Park is some three and a half acres in area. It is fed by an underground spring, entering at the southern end of the pool and overflowing at the northern end over a sill and eventually into Cannon Hill Park, approximately half a mile down the road.

The depth of the pool range from two to five feet at the overflow end. The pool houses around 300 Common and Mirror Carp, averaging 10 lbs with several near the 20 lb mark. Bream to 4 lbs are plentiful along with Roach, Perch and Tench.

The angling club has a membership of 130, with no waiting list, and fishes six contests a year with a silver cup for each winner. A children’s contest is fished each year and is open to any child (not just children of club members) aged between 2 and 15 years.

For Angling Club enquiries please contact Dave Walker by phone on 0121 745 8719 or 07801 888 685, by email or visit the Moseley Park Angling Club website.


The management committee continue to be watchful for the safety and well-being of anyone who comes into the park. The lake, though not deep, poses a danger to children, as do trees and other hazards in the park, and these must be guarded against at all times. Parents, teachers and guardians must take responsibility while children are in the Park.

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